
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

29th Apr~

Woke up early morning of about 7.40am..
got a morning call from LuenHong..
thx dude.. if not i wont be waking up..
reached college of about 8.20am due to heavy traffic jam =.=
i hate traffic jam!
should hav use the normal route..
cannot even catch up with "soldier boots" coz i was late.. so yea..
dun really noe anything bout it..
waliao.. another boring and confusing subject..
as usual,i skipped breakfast..
Im hungry!!
went to mamak near Atria with Agnes jie,Ika,JouLing and LuenHong..
finally can get to eat something after 3 long straight hours in class..

After lunch,brought the 3 girls back to college..
den LuenHong coming along to my house to install and see the features available in Autodesk 3Ds Max 2009..
and again..
thx jie!!! :D
but.. the features so confusing~ lol high tech autodesk..
coz in college only use Autodesk 3D's Max 8..

prepared to go to badminton session..
3.15pm reached there..
4 extra new ppl joined us..
i tink SeaHai brought them..
4 senior degree students..
After 2 hours game..
the results shown below..

Me & Jie vs LuenHong & Kenny (15-8)
Me vs LuenHong (21-15)
Me & Jie vs LuenHong & Ika (15-10)
Me & LuenHong vs SeaHai & Novianto (15-9)
Jie vs Ika (24-26)

aiyo.. jie and Ika played till so many deuces.. haha..
touch match.. :D
it was kinda exciting to spectate.. :D
tiring day..
went to mamak for yamcha session nearby as usual..
dai ga jie ah!!
dun simply take the bill without my permission!! :@
aiya~ btw.. thx jie.. :S
alright.. im juz waiting for the time to kill off..
either im gonna sleep or gonna play game or gonna chat.. argh!
coz of around ltr midnight got MU vs Arsenal game..
lets cheer for MU!! Red Devils GOGOGO!! xD

Saturday, April 25, 2009

23rd, 24th and 25th Apr~

23rd Apr 2009
Skipped PM class..
reason y? coz i too tired to wake up..
actually i woke up dy,prepared everything and ready to go for class..
but once i look back at my bed,i wanna go back sleep.. =.=
coz apparently i only had 1-2 hours sleep.. aiks..
so i skipped PM class..
slept till 2pm.. keke..
woke up den prepare to go college for briefing on the teambuilding event the next day..

24th Apr 2009
Woke up early for MIAD class at around 8am..
still confused bout de subject! my god..!
stayed back in college to sketch Pikachu 3D..
i tell u! is not dat easy as u tink..!
is 3D! not normal pikachu.. gosh..
around noon.. Me,CheeYin,LuenHong,JouLing,JiaHong,Agnes jie,Ika mei and Michy went to OldTown White Coffee House for lunch..
After lunch.. Me,Ika,Michy and Agnes jie went back to jie's hse to show me de software i might be interested.. actually im alrdy interested.. juz dat dunno how to use..
Of around 3pm went back to college to gather and wait for CheeYin and LuenHong from com lab and Ika from her hse to go to 1 Utama to watch movie..
Dat excluded CheeYin coz she dun wanna watch,so i drop her back home..
We watched MallCop..
lol.. it wasnt dat bad.. i rate 7/10.. sry ya jie.. i oso thinking of dis rating.. haha..
it was a real funny movie.. x)
recommend u guys to watch.. ^.^
Around night time,i received a msg from jie bout de time for teambuilding event..
waliao! its around 6.45am!! nid to be in college to gather around dat time.. omg! =.=

25th Apr 2009
Woke up at around 6.25am,dats coz jie gav me a morning call..
thx jie!!
if not i really wont wake up de..
reached college a lil late,5 mins from the exact time..
gather around and Mr Allan chatted wit my mates bout the KDU football friendly match wit Segi.. sadly i wasnt involve in dat game coz im nt in KDU sch team.. didnt even go for try out.. wanna fully concentrate on studies..
KDU lost to Segi 2-1.. sad case..
haha i joked with Abdullah bout the match,i asked him : "U noe y u guys lost?" My reply : "Coz i wasnt there!" :P
was joking around la.. hehe..
Went to Ulu Yam for the teambuilding event..
the sch involved in the camp is Sri Permata (Prefects Only)..
as i said b4,the objective of going there is to increase their leadership qualities and respects.. x)
Its not dat bad.. but compare with Sri Hartamas in Cameron Highland, I still prefer Sri Hartamas coz they're more energetic and active.. Sry Sri Permata,i noe y u guys not dat energetic,coz u guys tired and mayb not enough rest.. haha and still early in de morning.. so yea.. i understand =)
Went through the same activities dat gone through de other day in Cameron..
After the event,me and Agnes jie went for our yamcha session.. coz if i go back home,i will totally bored and look dumb at home.. =.=
so we juz cut short our time in same place yesterday we had our lunch.. haha..
after yamcha,went to jie's hse to explain to me Yahoo! game.. wo0t! :S
confusing la.. but i noe how le.. x)
haha thx alot jie.. ^.^
for now.. juz reached home and relaxing.. dun wanna think bout studies now..
wanna relax my mind.. aiks..
anyway dats all for now.. ciaoz!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birthday Greeting~

Happy Sweet 16 to u!!!
May ur day be enjoyable day and take care! :)

22nd Apr~

What a wonderful day :)
woke up early morning 7.15am
reached college around 8am..
im nt late!!! omg! :D
2day's subjects very very very!! ARGH!! confusing and im lost!!! =.=
totally lost!!
i nid to buy de Autodesk 3D Max alrdy..
my stomach making lotsa noice dy..!! 8am - 12pm of class..
without break.. no breakfast.. omg =.=
after 12pm,went out to buy food for JouLing's party..
"throw" LuenHong in Dominos pizza~ :P
den me and Agnes jie went to ss2 to buy the cake from Kings Bakery..
afterdat done with food and drinks + cake..
straight went to Ika's house to prepare b4 JouLing arrive..
Happy 21st Birthday!!
hope u like our so called surprise party..

Bought a polo shirt dat stated "stop to live,smoke and die"
i support anti-smoking!! :D
after the party,fetch LuenHong and Agnes jie back home..
around 3pm,badminton session started..
sry guys.. i noe i played badly..

results tells it all..
me & JiaHong vs jie & LuenHong (17-16)
me & jie vs Shaun & JiaHong (5-15)
Ika & Kenny vs jie & WeiLun (15-8)
me & LuenHong vs Shaun & SeaHai (15-13)
me & Shaun vs 2 malay adults (19-21)

After the game,went to the same mamak for our yamcha session..
ate roti sardine.. told u its nice la jie!! :D
yum yum..~
deliciouoooooooso! XD
now im juz tired.. :S
2day gonna watch MU game.. so yea.. nt gonna sleep.. gonna wake up b4 class with panda eyes.. :S
oh well.. used to it dy..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

19th Apr~

I'm back from Cameron Highland!! x)
being a facilitator is cool..
love it lots..^.^
17th of apr went to college at around 12pm..
Sry Ms Hannah,i noe we're late..
sry to Agnes jie and Michy..! :S
ma fan both of u..
sry Sharon too~ :S
u had to follow along..aiks..
reached college at around 12.30pm due to traffic jam..
The people who's going were Mr Khobbi(Driver),Mr Allan(Host & Joker),Ms Hannah(Staff),Phooi Kuan(Staff a.k.a Kambing),Lita(Staff)*im sry if i spelled ur name wrong*,Agnes jie,Ika and myself..
apparently not only us being late..Mr Khobbi the KDU driver oso late..haha..
stop a few stops for lunch and break.. before reach Cameron Highland..
we stayed in Syarikat Permainan Malaysia (SPM) Resort Homes..
at 1st i tot was form 5 SPM =.=
okay..went to night market in Brinchang..
den went for dinner near there..
got back to resort home for our rehersal on de events we're gonna hav it tmr wit Sri Hartamas sch..
we drank some vodka b4 they went to bed..
me and Agnes jie cant sleep coz having imsomnia..
watched tv till 3am..
*worry worry*
slept bout 4am coz trying to get some sleep but cant coz my leg is freezing.. :S
idnt really sleep well,juz close my eyes till 6.30am..
woke up and prepare for breakfast..
after breakfast,we straight went to where Sri Hartamas students were and setting up everything for presentation..
they played some enjoyable games..
and yea..they're friendly kids..haha.. x)
oh yea oh yea..sry for group 5 coz im nt suppose to giv de eggs to "egg stealer" =.=
sry bout dat.. lol..
afterdat,we den straight went to strawberry store,they went down to buy some stuff..
but me and jie slept inside de van.. =.= too tired to even walk dy..
continue our journey back to kdu,half way through,Mr Allan bought some of his friends (Tongkat *ALI*)
his friends being evil and i gt a cut from them while getting a few water bottles.. =.=
im fine guys im fine! :D
okay den we reached back to KDU around 5.45pm..
waiting for my dad to pick me up.. im de last to go back.. haha..
reached back home dy..i shouted HOME SWEET HOME~!
lol no la..jkjk..
i reached home straight away went to my bedroom and sleep =.=
woke up around 9.30pm coz heard my msn msgs lol..
forgotten bout my dinner..
went down to kitchen and checked,but left none dy..
so i ate pineapple for my dinner..
weird right? lol..
nvm den..

Sunday Morning
woke up around 11am to watch football highlights..
went to badminton with Agnes jie,Ika and Kalvin..
nth much to say bout dis..
results as below..

Me & Ika vs Jie & Kalvin (15-1)
Me & Jie vs Ika & Kalvin (15-0)
Me & Kalvin vs Jie & Ika (15-2)
Jie vs Ika (21-19)
Me vs Jie (15-17)

After badminton went for yamcha as usual..
1st time try roti sardine..
weird..but its nice actually.. x)
sry guys..
skipped futsal friendly match wit Peter's friends..
coz my leg cant play.. x(
After badminton,JerMin smsed me and asked me to join him and 1 of his friend for another session of yamcha..
dats all for now.. :)
still dunno when should i start my 3D Pikachu sketch!! =.=

Thursday, April 16, 2009

15th + 16th Apr~

Woke up in de morning at around 7.15am, gt a late morning call from Agnes jie around 7.35am..
sadly i woke up dy..
anyway thx jie.. :D
After reached college bout 8.10am,went to class late for 10 mins..
omg lo! MIAD and JAVA 2day so confusing.. T_T
4 hours non stop class..!! sigh!!
After Java class of around 12pm,i checked my hp,didnt notice jie sent me a msg bout joining them for lunch.. =x
sry jie..
Went to BananaLeaf restaurant for our lunch.. Ika,JiaHong,Enqee,JouLing,Agnes jie are all there dy.. So i went there late,sry guys =x
After lunch went back to college,fetch along Agnes jie..
went to see Ms Hannah for the registration of Cameron Highland teambuilding camp as facilitator.. :D
woot! my 1st experience..!! :D
im sure i can handle it.. hehehe..

Around 7.20pm,came out from hse to fetch Shaun to Kelvin's hse meet..
we prepare to go celebrate Apple's birthday.. heh..

Happy 21st Birthday!!
Apple Tan!! :D
Went to TheCurve for our dinner.. :D
its kinda quiet dinner though..
but its okay..
so the birthday girl plan to go back to her housing area nearby for the celebration instead..
we total hav 5 cars to go to Kepong..
reached WaterFront park to celebrate there..
played some incredible "headache" thingy in de playground.. :D
after around 12am,we den celebrate for Apple her birthday..12am 16th of Apr only her birthday celebration began..of coz dats her proper day la..haha..
now~ i reached home.. sitting infront of com,waiting for de ManUtd game to start..
Porto vs ManUtd (2-2 aggregate)
its a MUST-WIN-GAME for ManUtd to go through to semi-final..!!!
gan jiong ah!!! T_T
gud luck to all ManUtd players and fans..! lets support them!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

11th Apr~

Woke up 6.45am to make a morning call for jie..x)
den went back to sleep till 7.45am, JerMin came my hse..
around 8.15am,he drove me to morning football..
football time,nt dat bad for me la..
coz i scored 2 goals..yea! :D
wad i wanted and hoping is dat my jie wont be bored while waiting for her check up..

after football,went to double storey for branch..
eww! de pan mee so disgusting!!

den went back home after branch..
took shower and prepare everything to fetch JerMin's gf and Joslyn to their dancing class..
afterdat,we went back to JerMin's hse to rest..
until the girls finish their class,we went to Kelana Jaya Giant to buy some vodka for de party ltr on..
It's JerNing's early birthday party..
so yea..
early wish for u JerNing.. Happy 17th birthday! :D

Went to SherWyn's house for de party around 6pm..
well usual in her hse.. pool party!
but sadly i cant join the fun..coz im nt feeling well..
so yea..
haha..sad right? :'(

nth to say bout the juz being evil pushing everyone in de pool..XD
MUAHAHA!! i gt my own reason!! :P
but Becca still pushed me down WHILE im holding SherWyn's phone..
luckily i managed to nt make her phone wet..

dats all for now.. oh oh..
Watched ManUtd game 2day..
the score is 2-1 won by ManUtd..
guess who scored the last goal??
17 years old, Kiko Macheda!!! woot!! 2 goals in 2 appearances...
nt a bad career for him..hahaha

Friday, April 10, 2009

10th Apr~

2day morning woke up back aching~ T_T
coz last night from evening till night = jogging + basketball
so yea..woke up in pain..LOL jk la..
woke up around 7.30am..woops! late to class dy!!
reached 2day's class around 8.20am..
luckily 2day only tutorial session..
no teaching 2day..heh..
After class,me and CheeYin went to Lab E to use com till suddenly Kenny went in and look for us for branch..
CheeYin keep nagging dat she's hungry!! she's hungry!! LOL
so dat we went for our branch till 12.20pm,den went back to college to do our tutorial given 2day..
CheeYin's dad suddenly called her,guess what? her dad buying her new laptop!
she was like soooo happy!! den she asked wad colour should she choose..
i said y not red? red is nice..she said her friend took red dy..
so 2nd choice is probably
nt sure how purple looks like..
so anyway around 1.30pm left college to fetch CheeYin back home,reached home around 2pm,prepare for badminton,nt even a single min to rest at home.. :(
I drove out in the heavy pouring rain..
as i said! Heavy rain! the curve there flooded with water..and i double think myself dat should i take the risk to go i tink better not coz my car is short and de water height is deep..
Reached badminton court around 3pm..late for 1 hour lol..
den the whole gang dat included,Dai Ga Jie,JouLing,Richard,JiaHong and a girl(JiaHong's friend) tot im emo coz i sat there alone..
but oh well..dun worry nt emo,im juz tired.. :)
JiaHong keep zat zat zat,zat me till i speechless dy..
nvm tired to zat back dy.. x)
Played a few rounds of double..
here's de result below..

Me & Jie vs Richard & JouLing (12-15)
Me & Jie vs JiaHong & his friend(sry dunno her name..) (15-4)
Me & Jie vs JiaHong & his friend (10-2) played half way coz times up

So yea..
im kinda tired now..guys pls dun misunderstood yea.. im nt emo alright? x)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

9th Apr~

woke up 7.30am,reached college around 8.10am..late for 20 mins class..
after 2 hours of Project Management class,we were planning for Ika's birthday..
b4 dat..wanna wish Ika,Happy 19th Birthday!!

planned to go to Secret Recipe to celebrate her birthday..
oh oh!! b4 dat 1 funny part is dat when we were walking to get my car,walk passed dis coconut seller,she suddenly called me LengZai,wan buy coconut onot? (in cantonese),Ika,JouLing and Michy laughed until.."mou dak deng" lol..
den Michy said should call me cutie instead of leng zai..
i was like what?! huhu..
In the car,Ika keep laughing all de way.. :P
nvm nvm..
her birthday she got high 2day..heh!
went to secret recipe for lunch..
Ika had her Doraemon on her cake..
so cool..
she dun wanna destroy it le..haha..
den i gt feeling dat my jie gt abit moody..
so when she feel moody,the whole place went quiet..
cheer up jie..!
dun feel so down..
alrdy said,when u down i'll be down too.. :(
chewl!! ^.^v

after de party they went back to college for their Tehno class,and i went back home to prepare to follow JerMin out to fetch her sis den go to his hse..
Around 5pm,went for jogging.. Meet YeeShi in her place..
den went for 1 big round jogging..
me and YeeShi still can tahan..but apparently..
JerMin gt his leg cramp and he cant jog no more..
after jogging,me and JerMin went to Sedap Restaurant for dinner..
after dinner,I went to TamanSea for basketball with college mates..
tiring day! woot!
but is fun!! heh.. :D

Now i juz wanna on9 and blog for like 1 hour den i wanna doze to bed..
its alrdy 11pm!! i hav class tmr morning at 8am! omg!! tired..!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mach of the Day! Macheda the marvel~

It’s not called the Theatre of Dreams for nothing.

Seventeen-year-old striker Federico Macheda, making his first-team debut, became an instant Old Trafford hero when he scored a sensational injury-time winner to send United back to the top of the table.

More of Frederico "Kiko" Macheda's Info,click the link below.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

4th Apr 2nd Round~

2nd round night session i'll post the pics here..
enjoy :D
oops! now only got 1 pic yea..
still waiting for more pics.. x)

Kelvin's cool pose..LOL!

4th Apr~

Although 2day is the day for qing ming..
Juz wanna wish happy birthday to ShuSiong a.k.a Kolar Bear and MingSheng a.k.a Gou Lou.. :) happy 20th birthday..
haiz.. u all grew older dy..
i still 19+ wait me!!! :(
Had some fun with birthday boys 2day..
1st outing with ShuSiong,Michy,Agnes a.k.a Jie and myself in 1u..
makan my lunch in Old Asia restaurant..aiya forgotten de name dy..
hehe.. sry la i gt short term memory.. time wit them.. :)
2nd round is around at night 8.30pm.. total of 14 of mates meet in Kelvin's house..
den only go to Wong Kok in ss2 to celebrate both of their birthday..:D heh..
Let the pics below explain everything wad happened 2day :)

Happy-go-WHEE! birthday boy :D

Aiya!! cannot play him T_T

Michy y so shy?? :P

Suit each other right?? lovely couple ;P

Me and Jie
2 Heng Dai!! xD
Jie and Birthday Boy~

4 of us.. ^.^

Wasnt ready la MICHY!!! :X

Saturday, April 4, 2009

3rd Apr~

Woke up 10.30am..
coz its friday..and friday no class for me..xD
So yea..took my breakfast..
ate wholemeal bread.. :D
after around 11.30am,went to pick my dad up from hospital..
wow..! he looks normal after discharged from hospital..
dats a great news!! :D
den went to Neighbourhood restaurant to buy back home lunch for them..
not me..them!! coz i gonna hav my lunch in dai ga jie's house..xD
Im sry im late for de lunch guys..coz u noe my reason la..

After lunch we late for our badminton session..
JouLing brought 3 of her friends..
only noe them after badminton session when we had our yamcha session lol..
played a few double matches..
Me and Jie vs JiaHong and Michy (15-7)
Me and Jie vs JiaHong and Ika (15-8)
Me and Jie vs JiaHong and JouLing (15-12)

had our fun activity dy..heh..:D
tiring activity..
tmr another day..
hopefully another fun football.. :D
morning i come!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Not a nice april fool day.. :( 1st Apr~

2day my dad came back early from work,den i didnt ask him anything but i passed to him de college payment. He's like quiet quiet and feel tired.. So i tot he came back home juz to rest or smth. Den my maid called me and told me dat my dad nid to go hospital for check up on his heart. He has heart problem. sigh..
Last time was my mom,now my dad..haiz..
Dad,wish u well and fast recovery. :'(

Eventhough 2day wasnt dat bad,after college went for lunch wit JouLing,Ika and Agnes a.k.a my jie in secret recipe..
Afterdat we went for badminton game,i fetched along Benjamin and Ashton too.
Shaun came late but at least he managed to come.
Played nice games with them. :)
Its time for me to go now..
juz hope my dad wont hav problem and make a fast recovery.

Okay..juz back from the hospital where i went to visit my dad..
his condition is fine.. juz dat his heart is abnormal.. sigh..
i'm going to hospital after college tmr awhile..
will join my mates for movie afterdat..