
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

22nd Apr~

What a wonderful day :)
woke up early morning 7.15am
reached college around 8am..
im nt late!!! omg! :D
2day's subjects very very very!! ARGH!! confusing and im lost!!! =.=
totally lost!!
i nid to buy de Autodesk 3D Max alrdy..
my stomach making lotsa noice dy..!! 8am - 12pm of class..
without break.. no breakfast.. omg =.=
after 12pm,went out to buy food for JouLing's party..
"throw" LuenHong in Dominos pizza~ :P
den me and Agnes jie went to ss2 to buy the cake from Kings Bakery..
afterdat done with food and drinks + cake..
straight went to Ika's house to prepare b4 JouLing arrive..
Happy 21st Birthday!!
hope u like our so called surprise party..

Bought a polo shirt dat stated "stop to live,smoke and die"
i support anti-smoking!! :D
after the party,fetch LuenHong and Agnes jie back home..
around 3pm,badminton session started..
sry guys.. i noe i played badly..

results tells it all..
me & JiaHong vs jie & LuenHong (17-16)
me & jie vs Shaun & JiaHong (5-15)
Ika & Kenny vs jie & WeiLun (15-8)
me & LuenHong vs Shaun & SeaHai (15-13)
me & Shaun vs 2 malay adults (19-21)

After the game,went to the same mamak for our yamcha session..
ate roti sardine.. told u its nice la jie!! :D
yum yum..~
deliciouoooooooso! XD
now im juz tired.. :S
2day gonna watch MU game.. so yea.. nt gonna sleep.. gonna wake up b4 class with panda eyes.. :S
oh well.. used to it dy..


AmUyO ToMoKo said...

hey my friend has the Autodesk 3D Max.. actually is not my friend, it's my sister...
told ya she's a graphic designer...

erm... sorry for making you guys down when we're on the way to purchase the food and drinks...
i totally having cold sweats since we left the lab till we reach ika's house...

eeeshh.... what happen to you during badminton??? emo ke?
but i don't think so wor...
hmmm... cos the one emo should be myself... anyway, it's ok...
every week there is badminton
so practice makes perfect =D

don't lar praise the roti sardine too much... nanti the mamak's boss going to be proud dy...
somore we're giving him profit every week like almost RM30+

got another new nickname for you...
Little Panda Brother WJ :D
but sorry it doesn't suites you
cos im already having the nickname... lucky you !!!

WaiJin said...

can ask ur sis bout it ma? :S
i wanna borrow o.. can?? :S

no la..we're not down oso..
mayb LuenHong is..coz he sat there alone after bought de pizzas.. =X

no nt emo la..
u are the one la ok!! :S
wad hppened to u??
i tink i noe gua.. :S

its really nice ma.. :D
our weekly meal after badminton..LOL!!
no la jkjk hahahahaa..

not my nickname!!
im juz having imsonia.. so yea.. hahaha

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i will try my effort to ask for you
but i can't 100% guarantee
cos you the relationship between my sis and i
don't worry if i can't get
i'll try other source also..

oops... i say wrongly
is worry... not down... kekeke

nothing already lar...
im always fine in heart :D

now weekly meal already
but today cannot help it
cos i no dinner also
so i only dine in there...

insomnia pula...
insomnia not for you this football watcher wor...
insomnia is for those people who are in scary or worry situation

WaiJin said...

alright.. :)
if cannot den nvm..
i'll go buy myself le.. x)

nt feeling well ma u.. so worry la.. haha..

when ppl emo,is always emo wan..:S
izit bout?? aiya dun wan say.. haha

no wonder.. hahaha..
okay la.. at least we teman u ma..xD

I AM!!!
im worried bout friends, im worried bout MIAD,JAVA,PM!! aiya all subjects oso im worried!! im worried bout assignments!! god! help me.. :(

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i will try to give you reply by this week is it okay???
you give me a due date...

no need worry lar..
if i really not feeling well
i will call somebody to follow you guys already...
but if last time, i will still sei chang one... ^_^

hmmm im different...
not the whole day emo type...
about what???
say lar... nothing one lar...
if really i cannot take it
i will stop you one...

teman what?
teman for dinner???

you always what also worry one..
last time im like that one..
what also worry...
nah... this word give you back
---> CHILL LAR ^_^

WaiJin said...

due date?
i wanna get de CD asap..
if cannot den its okay la haha..

u look very sick sick type de lo..
i noe =X

dun wan say here..
say in msn pls.. ><

am i right? :S

dun wanna talk bout it..
i worry till cannot sleep every night..

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i will help you ask her
when i see her this weekend...
trying my best to contact her dy...

yalor ~~~
but not body ache...
is ....... something lar...

wah... got what things need to discuss in msn ....
better say...
got what don't sau sau mai mai
tell dai ga jie...

hmmm... can say so lar...
but then haiya roti sardin saje..
i can go out makan myself also...

[ close my mouth ]
[ zip my mouth ]
sorry lar...
now i know you insomnia of what already...
don't think too much !!!

WaiJin said...

alright den.. x)

is wad thing??
lai lai tell me..

no la..
nth to discuss..
juz wanna ask izit true onot lo.. xD

so u did go out meh?
or u cook at home?

good! cerdik! :D
at least nw no nid really worry bout it..
at least!! aiyo.. still dunno how to sketch the last part =.=

AmUyO ToMoKo said...


haiyo i tell you many times already
you still ask =.=

what true or not true ??? o.O

that day after roti sardin
i didn't eat anything lor

[ tomoko still closes her mouth ]

WaiJin said...

oh oh.. =X
k lo..

in msn lo!!
haha.. dun ask here.. ahhaa

so dats ur dinner?? o.O

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

chewl ~~~
cos you're a good listener ma ^_^

didn't ask already mah

yalor... that's my dinner :D

WaiJin said...

chewling dy!! :D

didnt feel hungry after dat eh?

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

you're welcome..
anyway thanks a lot too :D

er... eat fruits lor..
if not eat nothing lor..
i don't like instant stuff one

WaiJin said...

dun mention it.. :)

dun copy cat can?
i like eat fruits..xD
instant stuff?? really??
means u dun eat maggi mee wan??

AmUyO ToMoKo said...


i didn't copy..
i like fruit salad one lar =.=
sometimes only...
but normally 1 year only 2 time...

WaiJin said...

aiks! :S
ya meh?
i dun bliv..
1 year twice wor..
still dun bliv..

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

the one who likes instant noodles is Michy not me...
so believe dy ya ??

WaiJin said...

dat wan i confirm believe..
but u..
1 year twice..
cannot la.. :S

AmUyO ToMoKo said...


WaiJin said...

ok la ok la..
u say all is correct wan..
believe lo.. ^.^

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

serious whey...
cos i rather cook fresh noodles than eating instant

WaiJin said...

but den instant noodle is straight away boil den eat ma.. is easier..
dats y they called it instant noodle lo.. x)

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

yaya =.=
eeyer... you break my record in Melaka !!! [ angry ]

WaiJin said...

WAKAKAKA!!!!!!! :D
3 times dy.. hehehehe..
i'll break more soon..XD

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

cannot break it!!!
No... no... no...

WaiJin said...

i will make u! :D

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

make me with what?
Autodesk 3D???
no need...
i won't makan one...

WaiJin said...

i will make u makan!!! :@

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

lolz.. make me makan?
you want me to have side effect is it? eat so much instant noodles =.="