
Saturday, April 25, 2009

23rd, 24th and 25th Apr~

23rd Apr 2009
Skipped PM class..
reason y? coz i too tired to wake up..
actually i woke up dy,prepared everything and ready to go for class..
but once i look back at my bed,i wanna go back sleep.. =.=
coz apparently i only had 1-2 hours sleep.. aiks..
so i skipped PM class..
slept till 2pm.. keke..
woke up den prepare to go college for briefing on the teambuilding event the next day..

24th Apr 2009
Woke up early for MIAD class at around 8am..
still confused bout de subject! my god..!
stayed back in college to sketch Pikachu 3D..
i tell u! is not dat easy as u tink..!
is 3D! not normal pikachu.. gosh..
around noon.. Me,CheeYin,LuenHong,JouLing,JiaHong,Agnes jie,Ika mei and Michy went to OldTown White Coffee House for lunch..
After lunch.. Me,Ika,Michy and Agnes jie went back to jie's hse to show me de software i might be interested.. actually im alrdy interested.. juz dat dunno how to use..
Of around 3pm went back to college to gather and wait for CheeYin and LuenHong from com lab and Ika from her hse to go to 1 Utama to watch movie..
Dat excluded CheeYin coz she dun wanna watch,so i drop her back home..
We watched MallCop..
lol.. it wasnt dat bad.. i rate 7/10.. sry ya jie.. i oso thinking of dis rating.. haha..
it was a real funny movie.. x)
recommend u guys to watch.. ^.^
Around night time,i received a msg from jie bout de time for teambuilding event..
waliao! its around 6.45am!! nid to be in college to gather around dat time.. omg! =.=

25th Apr 2009
Woke up at around 6.25am,dats coz jie gav me a morning call..
thx jie!!
if not i really wont wake up de..
reached college a lil late,5 mins from the exact time..
gather around and Mr Allan chatted wit my mates bout the KDU football friendly match wit Segi.. sadly i wasnt involve in dat game coz im nt in KDU sch team.. didnt even go for try out.. wanna fully concentrate on studies..
KDU lost to Segi 2-1.. sad case..
haha i joked with Abdullah bout the match,i asked him : "U noe y u guys lost?" My reply : "Coz i wasnt there!" :P
was joking around la.. hehe..
Went to Ulu Yam for the teambuilding event..
the sch involved in the camp is Sri Permata (Prefects Only)..
as i said b4,the objective of going there is to increase their leadership qualities and respects.. x)
Its not dat bad.. but compare with Sri Hartamas in Cameron Highland, I still prefer Sri Hartamas coz they're more energetic and active.. Sry Sri Permata,i noe y u guys not dat energetic,coz u guys tired and mayb not enough rest.. haha and still early in de morning.. so yea.. i understand =)
Went through the same activities dat gone through de other day in Cameron..
After the event,me and Agnes jie went for our yamcha session.. coz if i go back home,i will totally bored and look dumb at home.. =.=
so we juz cut short our time in same place yesterday we had our lunch.. haha..
after yamcha,went to jie's hse to explain to me Yahoo! game.. wo0t! :S
confusing la.. but i noe how le.. x)
haha thx alot jie.. ^.^
for now.. juz reached home and relaxing.. dun wanna think bout studies now..
wanna relax my mind.. aiks..
anyway dats all for now.. ciaoz!


AmUyO ToMoKo said...

lolz... you should thanked me for not morning call you for PM class ^_^
but you kena it from your little sister also...

good luck in sketching for your 3D thingy...
Eyy!!! your turn to be copy-kat pula... kekeke...
[ just joking ]
the movie ratings is up to you, no need to say sorry to me one...
it is a funny movie, but can you imagine i still can fall asleep for about 10-15 minutes =.=

you're welcome for the morning call
but in the i feel so paiseh that Jerong had to call and ask where am i... [ sad ]
lolz... go lar join football lar...
kekeke... don't sad lar...
every competition is fair and square with winners and the lack behinds...

today teambuilding not as fun like in Cameron Highlands...
luckily little sister didn't go
if not she'll bored till death :D

i really dono how many times you wana thank me in your just a particular post =.= swt...
no need so hak hei lar =.=

WaiJin said...

i wan ma..xD
i wan de morning call!!
coz dun wanna skip PM's class.. huhu..T_T

haha..yea..thx! :)
yea lo..
how can u fall asleep for 10-15 mins?!
tired izit? haha

its okay la..
everyone reached college b4 7am ma..xD

dun wan =.=
i wanna concentrate on studies de..
if i play football oso i go play for fun only.. haha..

yea lo..
i agree..
is kinda tiring.. haha..
i hope ur injury is ok le..

hahaha!! say thx oso gt bad meh?? eeyer.. =x

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

but it's already a history that you've skipped PM...
anyway, it's ok lar...

erm.. fall asleep ah...
actually hahaha...
every morning i wake up not on the time that im supposed to wake up one..
but if there's nothing to do
i will fall back asleep one..
maybe you're right, im tired... ^_^

lolz... but he Jerong said
6:45 am mah... sad...
recently what also late...
late for class also...

just joking only lar...
sports is for relaxing
for fun...

not really tiring lar...
cos it's only one day...
i think you never tried hosting a camp for 4 days straight without proper rest....
my injury today really the blue black appears dy...
but it's ok lar...
hahahaha... small matter only...

not bad lar..
but was thinking no need so paiseh already mah

WaiJin said...

yea lo..
ish!! :S

yea.. of coz im right..
u're definitely tired..
u can even fall asleep while chatting in msn.. xD

late for class oso scary??
told u to sleep early right?
dun wan listen.. :@

yaya.. heh.. :D
ltr play awhile injured my leg.. no nid go college..
LOL jkjk.. :P

4 days straight no resting??
r u sure?! o.O
okay onot wor?
nid cina urut professional? :P

okay lo.. :D
wont say dy.. heh..


AmUyO ToMoKo said...

don't sad lar
you made the wrong choice
cos that day everybody was almost going to fall alseep...

lolz... this one i used to it
somore famous for it one...

cannot sleep still wana force myself to bed meh??? :'(

don't say like that ah..
if you really have injuries..
i won't peduli you after all

not say....
4 days didn't sleep lar
it's just not enough sleeping time..
it's about 2 -3 hours only..
no need.. thanks...
urut more worse =.=


WaiJin said...

y?? o.O

yea la..
nid me to wake u up only.. xD

but u're tired wad..
must sleep ma.. :S

ok la ok la.. :D

dun wanna try dat =S
no la.. feel better de..
very syok wan.. XD

y learn from me??
@#$!@#$%!@#$% <<< mine oso!! =.=

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

cos that day the topic memang boring mah...
i also almost fall asleep
but i can't if not Mr Alex is going to belanja me "asam boi" already...

when you always morning call,
i already wake up dy lar...
somore it's like 15 minutes or more dy...

then i must learn from those people who has the sleeping hobby one lor... kekeke...

im very chill dy...
the one suppose to chewl is you... =D

feel better???
you want my leg bengkak until cannot walk only you can laugh at the side there lar =.=
swt... [ just joking ]

i didn't learn from you
this is a universal language
it is also used by Raymond also...

WaiJin said...

aiyo boring oso i wanna listen ma..
such an important subject.. =x

ya meh??
den i morning call u earlier lo..xD

i agree..
but dun over do it =P

y me?? o.O

u can trust me right??
100% can cure wan.. chinese style..
if not den thailand style.. xD

i noe ray ray gt use..
ok lo..
fine lo..
once u said universal language..
i speechless dy..

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

important subject???
ya meh???
for me okok only wor >.<

what's the use of giving a morning call if the person is already awake???
are you ok??? o.O

where got over do?
i can't sleep long one lar..
no worries...

erm... recently you seems so down only... kekeke... joking joking only...

LOLZZ!!!! EYYY!!!!
no need...
what also no need...
i can cure myself !!!

you can ding me back to say
"it is not a universal language, it is bahasa pasar" o.O

WaiJin said...

okok only??
project management wor?? o.O

earlier as in u havent wake up la..

ya meh??
good la..
like sleeping beauty only..=D

no la..
i everyday oso smile wan.. :D

ok lo..
up to u lo..XD

bahasa pasar??
sry..en-ge-lish pls!! :D

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i dying for FOOP, Vb.NET and also CM =.=

hmmm... but i will sure wake up earlier than the time that i suppose to wake up one..
always also like that one...

unfortunately you can't like me
cos im not a sleeping beauty...

everyday smile
but inner of heart sometimes is not smiling one...

one thing cannot up to you dy
your back really must cure!!!
if not i'll pass ur home address to a massage doctor, im sure "somebody" will find till your house to give you good service :D

[ speechless ]
[ give up, don't wana fight over ur sentence dy ]

WaiJin said...

CM can die meh?
oh yea.. u hate maths.. :S
can wan la..
jia you!! :D

ok lo..
i morning call u few hours b4..XD

y nt?

apasal ni??
im always de happy and cheerful wan :D

my back.. feel better dy..
so im okay now.. wo0t! :D

u happy i happy everybody happy.. :S

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i totally hate numbers...
that's why i didn't choose to study business =.=

no problem...
i always also wake up few hours before the time that im supposed to lar =.=
then i fall back asleep again :D

cos you said "like sleeping beauty" mah...
im not mah ^_^

but at times
few seconds
you emo saje.. =.=
[ scared ]

again i reply
the pain is off and on one...


WaiJin said...

yea la..
but den..
wad to do?
IT oso sure gt math wan..

lol same same la..
woke up dy den went back to sleep..

haha lol..
speechless dy..

im not fine.. x)
be happy! x)

ya lo..
but hor..
now i THINK fully recover alrdy lo.. :D

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i will try lar...
no worries...
won't give up in math also...

cos you saw ur bed mah...
i different...
if im really really tired only i will fall back asleep...

don't speechless lar :S

fully recover???
today we walk in Melaka that time...
can feel like you're in pain also... =.=

WaiJin said...

dats de self confidence u hav!! :D

no diff wan la..

no la..
im okay la.. hahaha..
no worries..! :D
wheee wang wang~~

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

i never give up in stuff one...
even no matter how much i hate it also
i won't give up one...
just like the same for friendship also :D
no matter how the friend don't wana talk to me, i also won't give up in them...

en~~~ woakay~~~

careful lar..
take care properly lar..
don't later got side effect like my mother.. very suffering one lar..

WaiJin said...

didnt giv up meh??
dun wanna refer to it here.. heh

=.= im okay la..
im still "old"
ur mom gt side effect??

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

yup... =.="

after operation's side effect

WaiJin said...

dun wanna talk bout it.. :S

AmUyO ToMoKo said...

okok.. no worries...
you ah...
call you use the proper counter pain don't wana listen
everyday making people worry only =.="